Roussa Cassel
Roussa combines technical fluency with a quick, detail-oriented work style and a strong drive to strengthen communities.
An architect and commercial design impresario, Roussa combines technical fluency with a strong drive to strengthen communities.
Authentic signature spaces are her thing; she sees each project as an opportunity to help her clients reach a broader audience, improve social experiences, and — yes, truly — to make the world a better place. It’s who she is.
Roussa is simultaneously an architectural authority, mentor, technologist, fixer, and artist. She can make any space sing; her award-winning project portfolio includes high-performance custom homes, healthcare facilities, hospitality spaces, commercial kitchens, community spaces, local artisanal markets, and more.
An advocate of sustainable building practices and resilient communities, Roussa is active in civic design forums and is a consistent champion of thoughtful ideas, backed by building science, that address climate change and other challenges cropping up in our ever-changing world.