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Top 500 Green Companies in US

Newsweek compiled a 2009 list of 500 US companies by how ‘green’ they are. It’s an impressive list of some big companies.

I always find these kinds of lists interesting, informative if not a bit sketchy in how to correlate an apple to an orange and have it make sense to the masses. Aside from that, if you are into this sort of thing, it’s fun to get an idea of the ‘big boys’ out there that deem ‘green’ a worthy pursuit.

From a personal perspective, I work for a small company that pursues green or sustainable methods for design and development of a building project from all angles, and it’s no small feat to pull off… it takes willingness, dedication, education and participation of all the players. The companies that made it on this list were committed to the pursuit and that in itself is pretty cool!

Check out the article here.

Full List of Newsweeks: The Greenest Big Companies in America

