Passive House Northwest Innovations
A large part of the Passive House movement is an effort to educate people just how superior a Passive Home is compared to traditional construction. Jaws drop when people hear that this style of home consumes 80-90% less energy! And this year we learned about a stellar project that is mega inspiring-- a 274 unit multi-family complex being built in Kansas City by PassivScience LLC that costs less than 1/10 the energy of a traditionally built structure. That's incredible! It's energizing to be in a room with those who match our excitement, experience and commitment to being a part of the solution to the world's energy crisis. Plus, they get our nerdy jokes. Our co-founder, Tessa Smith, also spoke at one of the conference sessions, where she highlighted 3 projects Artisans Group has worked on. Naturally, she titled it: 'Ménage à Trois - 3 Stellar Case Studies'. If that doesn't pique the interest of a room full of note-taking professionals, we don't know what will. She took a look back at two projects (the Vogel Passive House and Queen Anne Passive House) and one currently under construction (Delphi Passive House), using those models as means to highlight Passive House solutions, aesthetic reasoning, and design ethos. Most of all, the Passive House Northwest conference was a great time laughing together (and at each other), seeing a bigger picture of the movement we are a part of, and just how cool the Passive House culture is.About Artisans Group
The Artisans Group specializes in building and remodeling some of the finest eco-friendly and energy-efficient homes in the Seattle & Olympia area. We are an eclectic band of uniquely talented Pacific Northwest architects, designers, craftsman, and managers with a shared passion for home design. Passive Houses are our niche, and we provide the simplest solutions to guarantee comfort and durability in home design while providing soulful beauty. Our mantra, 'Advanced Homes Made Elegant', succinctly captures the art and passion of our design and build team, as well as all remodel projects. This design philosophy is a dedication you can feel and a finesse in architecture that always proves stunning. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, PinterestPosted on March 25, 2016